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Kristin Musselman

Dr. Kristin Musselman a BSc (Life Sciences) and BScPT at Queen’s University, followed by a MSc (Neurosciences) and PhD (Rehabilitation Science) at the University of Alberta. She was a CIHR Post-doctoral Fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Kennedy Krieger Institute from 2010-2013. Dr. Musselman’s research aims to optimize the rehabilitation and measurement of walking, balance and upper limb movements following damage to the nervous system. She and her colleagues have developed novel assessment and training tools for individuals with spinal cord injury and pediatric populations. Her current research is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, and Rick Hansen Institute.
Recent Publications
- Unger J, Chan K, Scovil C, Craven BC, Mansfield A, Masani K, Musselman KE. Intensive balance training for adults with incomplete spinal cord injuries: protocol for an assessor-blinded randomized clinical trial. Physical Therapy, E-pub Dec 21 2018.
- Arora T, Oates A, Lynd K, Musselman KE. Current state of balance assessment during transferring, sitting, standing and walking activities for the spinal cord injured population: a systematic review. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, E-pub Jun 5 2018.
- Musselman KE, Arnold C, Pujol C, Lynd K, Oosman S. Falls, mobility and physical activity after spinal cord injury: an exploratory study using photovoice. Spinal Cord Series and Cases 2018; 4: 39.
- Musselman KE, Shah M, Zariffa J. Rehabilitation technologies and interventions for individuals with spinal cord injury: translational potential of current trends. In press, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2018; 15: 40.
- Singh H, Shah M, Flett HM, Craven BC, Verrier MC, Musselman KE. Perspectives of individuals with sub-acute spinal cord injury after personalized adapted locomotor training. Disability and Rehabilitation 2018; 40: 820-828.