The Graduate Supervisor is the most influential person in the graduate student’s program.
The following summarizes the roles of the Supervisor:
Provide guidance and mentorship and serve as an academic role model
Promote academic integrity
Guide the graduate program of the student, facilitating timely completion of research, thesis writing and defense
Facilitate the selection of appropriate members for the Graduate Supervisory Committee and ensure, jointly with the student, that the ongoing supervision is appropriate and timely
Clearly set out expectations
Provide timely feedback on submitted work. Inform students of any expected delays in providing feedback
Be accessible and ensure appropriate continuing supervision of the student during any leave of absence from the University (e.g. sabbatical, health related leave, retirement)
Help students understand departments, SGS and university policies and regulations
Disclose to the student and the RSI intention regarding funding
Play a major in obtaining funding for the student and assist in applications accordingly