
Bonnie Swaine

École de réadaptation

BSc (PT), MSc, PhD

École de réadaptation, Fac. de médicine, Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville, Bureau 402-6, Montreal, Quebec Canada H3S 1M9
Research Interests
Rehabilitation Health Services Studies, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Rehabilitation and Epidemiology (Risk of Second Head Injury in Children, Risk of Suicide Following TBI, Clinical Measurement, Health Services Research (Evidence Based Practice, Knowledge Mobilization), Innovative Rehabilitation Interventions (Dance Therapy, Social Circus), Living Lab Approach
Not Accepting

Bonnie Swaine, physical therapist, PhD is full professor of the Physical Therapy program, Université de Montréal, as well as scientist and co-scientific director of CRIR (since 2009), the Centre for interdisciplinary research in rehabilitation of Greater Montréal. She was an FRSQ funded junior 1, 2 and senior scientist from 2004-2012) and her research program was entitled Opening the black box of rehabilitation for persons with a brain injury. Her research focuses on examining and improving the quality of rehabilitation services (e.g. Dance Therapy, Rehab interventions/programs for persons with a traumatic brain injury). Since this research includes collaborating and co-creating solutions with clinicians and program managers, integrated KT is a major component of her research. From 2014 to 2017, she co-directed research in the adaptation and development of clinical practice guidelines for the rehabilitation of persons with a Moderate/severe traumatic brain injury; implementation efforts are ongoing.

Recent Publications

  1. *Alarie C, Gagnon I, Quilico E, Swaine B. Characteristics and outcomes of physical activity interventions for individuals with mild traumatic brain injury: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open (accepted).
  2. Swaine B, Bayley M. Marshall S, Kua A, Marier-Deschênes P, Allaire A-S, Kagan C, Truchon C,Janzen S, Teasell R, Lamontagne M-E. Why Do We Need a New Clinical Practice Guideline for Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury? Journal of Head Trauma and Rehabilitation 2018;33(5):285-87.
  3. *Esmail, A., Poncet, F., Rochette, A., Auger, C., Billebaud, C., de Guise, É, Ducharme, I., Kehayia, E., Labbé, D., Dahan-Oliel, N., Lessard, I., Vermeersch, O. & Swaine, B. The role of clothing on participation of persons with a physical disability: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 2018, 8 (3) e020299; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020299.
  4. Swaine B, Cullen N, Messier F, Bayley M, Lavoie A, Marshall S, Sirois MJ, Turgeon A, Lamoureux J, Lam Wai Shun P. Post-acute care referral and inpatient rehabilitation admission criteria for persons with brain injury across two Canadian provinces. Disability and Rehabilitation 2017:40(6); 697-704. Dec 15:1-8. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2016.1262911.
  5. Swaine BR, Dassa C, Koné A, Dutil E, Demers L, Trempe C. The PQRS-Montreal: A measure of patients’ perceptions of the quality of rehabilitation services for persons with a traumatic brain injury. 2017. Disability and Rehabilitation Vol. 39(1).

Honours & Awards

  • 2016 | Dr Jane Gillett Research Award de l’Association Canadienne – Lésion Cérébrale 
  • 2015 | Award of recognition – Scientist