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Katherine Berg

Dr. Berg is an Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Therapy. She is a fellow with interRAI, an international team of academics, clinicians and other professionals committed to developing and using standardized assessments to improve the quality of care. She is a member of the interRAI Instrument and System Development (ISD) Committee and leads the post-acute care working group of the International Centre of Excellence in Acute Care (INEAC).
Dr. Berg’s clinical care of expertise is in geriatrics. Her thesis work involved the development and validation of a Balance Scale widely used in rehabilitation and geriatrics. Her research interests include disability and fall prevention as well as health services research examining quality of care and outcomes.
Current research includes a CIHR grant titled “Connecting Emergency Departments with Community services to prevent mobility losses in pre-frail and frail Seniors (CEDeComS). Dr. Berg is also working with the Rehab Alliance in Ontario in developing an assessment for Out-patient Rehabilitation.
Recent Publications
- Berg K, Ariño-Blasco S, Boscart VM, Gray L, Hirdes JP, Jónsson PV, Meehan B, Morris JN, Peel NM, Pimm B, Topinková E, Wheeler L, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Head MJ, James ML, Ljunggren G, Martin L, Steel K, Stewart SL, S. K. (2017). interRAI Post-Acute Care and Rehabilitation (PAC-Rehab) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. Version 9.3. Washington, DC: OBS. (Book)
- McArthur C, Gibbs JC, Patel R, Papaioannou A, Neves P, Killingbeck J, Hirdes J, Milligan J, Berg K, Giangregorio L. (In press) A scoping review of physical rehabilitation in long-term care: types of interventions, outcomes measured and tools for determining eligibility. The Canadian Journal on Aging. 36 (4).
- Morris JN, Howard EP, Steel K, Berg K, Tchalla A, Munankarmi A, David D. Strategies to reduce the risk of falling: Cohort study analysis with 1-year follow-up in community dwelling older adults. BMC Geriatr. 2016 Apr 29;16:92. doi: 10.1186/s12877-016-0267-5.
- Colantonio A, Hsueh J, Petgrave J, Hirdes JP, Berg K. A Profile of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury within Home Care, Long Term Care, Complex Continuing Care, and Institutional Mental health Settings in a Publicly Insured Population. J. Head Trauma Rehab. 2015 Nov;30(6):18-29.
- McArthur C, Gibbs J, Papaioannou A, Hirdes J, Milligan J, Berg K, Giangregorio L. Protocol for a scoping review of physical rehabilitation interventions in long-term care: tools, models of delivery, outcomes and quality indicators. BMJOpen 2015;5:e007528.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007528. BMJ. 2015 Jun 8;5(6)