Courses & Course Enrollment
The graduate courses offered in RSI are listed below. Detailed course descriptions*, instructors and schedules for the courses offered in the current year may be obtained from the RSI website. Courses may not be offered every year and course offerings** are subject to change. Course requirements, by program, are outlined in sections below:
REH 1100H | Introduction to Rehabilitation Research |
REH 1120H | Research Methods for Rehabilitation |
REH 1510H | Science Disordered and Restorative Motor Control |
REH 2000H | Individual Reading and Research Course |
REH 2001H | RSI MSc Seminar – Foundations of Professional Development |
REH 3001H | RSI PhD Seminar – Foundations of Professional Development |
REH 3301H | Knowledge Translation in Rehabilitation: Foundational Knowledge and Innovation Applications |
REH3500H | Gender, Work and Health |
REH 3600H | Synthesis Toolkit: Approaches and Methodologies |
REH 5100H | Introduction to Cognitive Rehabilitation Neuroscience I: Basic Science to Clinical Applications |
*See RSI website for Course Descriptions. **Students interested in a course that is not offered in the current academic year should consult with the RSI Student Administration office for further information.
Course Abbreviations
Y Course – a full credit course
H Course – a half credit course
Course Enrollment
All RSI students register for their courses via the student web service: ACORN.
ACORN stands for Accessible Campus Online Resource Network and is the new student web interface to the University's student information system. Sign into ACORN to enroll in courses, check fees and finances, update your address and emergency contact information, and more.
Individual Reading and Research Course
Students who wish to take an Individual Reading and Research Course should review the Independent Reading & Research Course Standards & Policy and contact the course coordinator before completing the Independent Reading & Research Course Request Form. Once approval is given, the student should contact the RSI office to be enrolled in the course.
Requesting Courses
Students may begin requesting courses on July 15, 2024. Students must request their courses by no later than September 18, 2024 and January 20, 2025 for Winter session courses.
The web service requires full information about a course when a request is being made. Be sure to enter:
COURSE NUMBER | e.g., REH1100H |
SECTION CODE | Usually F, S or Y. This indicates whether the course is offered in the fall session (F), the winter session aka “second term” (S) or over both (Y) |
TEACHING METHOD | All graduate courses have a teaching method of LEC (lecture) |
TEACHING SECTION | The number of the class. Most graduate courses only have one teaching session (0101). Although there may be only one teaching section the information must still be entered on the system |
*Some courses may require instructor's approval in addition to that given by the coordinator/academic advisor.
Course Waiting Lists
ACORN and the Student Web Services (SWS) have the capacity to maintain waiting lists in courses. Not all courses or meeting sections have waiting lists. If the department offering the course has opted to allow a waitlist and either your enrollment category in the course or the course itself is full, you can choose to join a waiting list. If a space is opened in your category then ACORN will automatically place you in the course.
It is your responsibility to check your status on SWS as you will not be contacted by phone or email
The SWS will inform you of your place on the waiting list and how many spaces are allotted for your category. You may “wait” in multiple meeting sections but if you are enrolled in one meeting section you may not simultaneously wait for another. Before the final date to enroll in courses, all waiting lists will be suspended and normal enrolment procedures will apply. Please consult the offering department for more information. Consult the unit offering the course to see if a waiting list is being used.
Students are responsible for knowing the status of their course requests at all times. This information can be obtained via the SWS. The following are the possibilities:
REQ | Course requested. Must be resolved/approved by the last date to add a course |
INT | Course requested pending instructor approval in addition to coordinator’s/advisor's approval |
APP | Request approved. Student is enrolled in course |
REF | Request denied. Student is not enrolled and may not make another request for this course via the web during this session |
CAN | Course cancelled (student withdrew from course before deadline) |
WAIT | No room in the meeting section. Student has been placed on a waiting list based on category and will be enrolled automatically if space comes available |
DWAIT | Student has cancelled place on the waiting list or been removed |
Canceling or Withdrawing from Courses
You may cancel or withdraw from individual courses up to certain deadlines. Before doing this, however, you are advised to consult with your supervisor and the RSI office (
The deadlines to drop courses are as follows:
October 28, 2024 for Fall session Full or Half courses
February 28, 2025 for full-year and Winter session courses
June 2, 2025 for May-to-June F section courses
July 28, 2025 for July-to-August S section courses
If you miss the deadline to drop a course:
- Complete the Add/Drop Course(s) Form and submit it to the RSI office, along with a letter of rationale with supporting documentation (e.g., medical certificate).
- RSI will consider the request and, if supported, will forward the request to SGS for review.
- If approved by SGS, the transcript notation of WDR (Withdrawn without Academic Penalty) will be assigned by SGS to the course. The WDR notation carries no credit for the course and is not considered for averaging purposes.
Some graduate units offer modular courses which have enrolment deadlines that do not conform to the deadlines above. Modular courses with non-standard start/end dates require the graduate unit to establish suitable drop dates. Please check with the graduate unit offering modular courses for the drop dates.
Dropping courses may have implications for your progress in the program. For details, check with your departmental graduate administrator.
Please note that withdrawing from all your courses does not constitute a withdrawal from your program. To do so, you must complete a Program Withdrawal Form. Dropping courses prior to deadlines or withdrawing from a program does not guarantee a refund. Information on fee refunds and deadlines is outlined at
Final Results
Final grades in courses can be accessed in ACORN by selecting Academic History.
Grades can be viewed after the following dates. If a grade is not available after these dates, contact your instructor or the graduate unit offering the course.
January 15, 2025: Fall Session (first term)
May 14, 2025: Winter Session (and Fall/Winter courses)
July 16, 2025: Summer Session (first term)
Important Dates and Deadlines
Important dates and registration deadlines are available on the on the SGS Calendar.
Courses Outside of RSI
Students wishing to take courses outside RSI should consult the department offering the course on their registration procedures. This usually involves the completion of a course Add/Drop Form. See the SGS Calendar for important dates and deadlines. Initial contact should be sent to graduate administrator, Loida Ares at to determine the appropriate steps required to enroll in the external course of interest.
It is wise to initiate registration in external departmental courses early. Students must contact the course instructors to indicate their interest and seek permission to enter.
It is your responsibility to check your status on SWS as you will not be contacted by phone or email
The SWS will inform you of your place on the waiting list and how many spaces are allotted for your category. You may “wait” in multiple meeting sections but if you are enrolled in one meeting section you may not simultaneously wait for another. Before the final date to enroll in courses, all waiting lists will be suspended and normal enrolment procedures will apply. Please consult the offering department for more information. Consult the unit offering the course to see if a waiting list is being used.
Students are responsible for knowing the status of their course requests at all times. This information can be obtained via the SWS. The following are the possibilities:
REQ | Course requested. Must be resolved/approved by the last date to add a course |
INT | Course requested pending instructor approval in addition to coordinator’s/advisor's approval |
APP | Request approved. Student is enrolled in course |
REF | Request denied. Student is not enrolled and may not make another request for this course via the web during this session |
CAN | Course cancelled (student withdrew from course before deadline) |
WAIT | No room in the meeting section. Student has been placed on a waiting list based on category and will be enrolled automatically if space comes available. |
DWAIT | Student has cancelled place on the waiting list or been removed |