Associate Professor

Andrea Iaboni


MD, Dphil, FRCPC

Toronto Rehab - University Centre - UHN
550 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 2A2
Research Interests
Falls Prevention, Gait and Balance, Dementia, Depression, Technology, Psychopharmacology
MSc, PhD

Dr. Andrea Iaboni is a geriatric psychiatrist and a clinical- investigator at the University Health Network, based at the University Health Network, based at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and is the Research Lead in the Geriatric Rehab Program. She has a doctorate in clinical medicine from the University of Oxford and completed her medical training, residency, and fellowship at the University of Toronto. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and a Scientist at the KITE Research Institute.

Her research focuses on developing new models of dementia care making use of physiological and behavioural data from environmental sensors. Her research interests include mobility and falls prevention in people with dementia, the treatment of neuropsychiatric symtoms of dementia, and the prevention of injury through rational use of psychotropic medications in frail older adults.

Research Synopsis

Dr. Iaboni is a geriatric psychiatrist and clinical researcher based at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network. She completed a doctorate in Molecular Immunology followed by post-doctoral research in Sleep Medicine and a research fellowship in Geriatric Psychiatry. Her research interests include 1) Prevention of injury through rational use of psychotropic medications in frail older adults, and 2) Prevention of disability in older adults after falls or injuries. At present, Dr. Iaboni's research includes both pharmacoepidemiological research into current psychotropic prescribing practices and clinical trials of medication effects on balance and gait.

Current projects:

  1. Effect of depression and fear of falling on outcomes of older adults participating in a falls prevention program.
  2. Effect of a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI antidepressant) on balance and gait in older adults with depression.
  3. Prescribing practices and risks in the initiation of antidepressant therapy in older adults after hip fracture.
  4. Trends in the use of sedative medications in older adults in the community and long-term care in Ontario.

Recent Publications

  1. Challenges in Collecting Big Data in A Clinical Environment with Vulnerable Population: Lessons Learned from A Study Using A Multi-modal Sensors Platform. Sci Eng Ethics. 2018 Oct 24;: Ye B, Khan SS, Chikhaoui B, Iaboni A, Martin LS, Newman K, Wang A, Mihailidis A
  2. (Low-Dose Trazodone, Benzodiazepines, and Fall-Related Injuries in Nursing Homes: A Matched-Cohort Study.
    J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018 Sep 24;: Bronskill SE, Campitelli MA, Iaboni A, Herrmann N, Guan J, Maclagan LC, Watt J, Rochon PA, Morris AM, Jeffs L, Bell CM, Maxwell CJ
  3. The Complex, Multifaceted Relationship Between Cognitive Impairment and Hip Fracture. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Aug 03;: Bingham KS, Iaboni A, Flint AJ
  4. Quantitative Mobility Assessment for Fall Risk Prediction in Dementia: A Systematic ReviewDement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2018 Jul 24;45(5-6):353-367. Dolatabadi E, Van Ooteghem K, Taati B, Iaboni A
  5. Evaluating Mobility in Advanced Dementia: A Scoping Review and Feasibility Analysis. Gerontologist. 2018 Jul 05;:
    Van Ooteghem K, Musselman K, Gold D, Marcil MN, Keren R, Tartaglia MC, Flint AJ, Iaboni A