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W. Darlene Reid

Professor Reid is a clinical scientist whose investigations have spanned basic sciences, clinical, and translational research. Research themes have focused on dysfunction of the inspiratory and limb muscles in chronic disease that involves quantification of muscle structure and function at the cellular and macroscopic level. Recent work has focused on inspiratory and limb muscle performance in acute and chronic disease. Dr. Reid has also directed her current research towards using non-invasive tools that can be taken to the bedside including wireless near infrared spectroscopy, dynamometry, and inclinometry. She has forged research collaborations nationally and internationally including Europe, Japan, and Brazil. Dr. Reid supervises research trainees at the MSc, PhD and PDF level in Rehabilitation Sciences and is also interested in collaborating with visiting research scientists.
Dr. Reid is active in knowledge translation endeavours that include the development of systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in addition to implementation strategies.
Research Synopsis
Major research interests are determining the mechanisms of poor limb and inspiratory muscle performance in order to determine the best treatments for recovery. These include examination of reduced force output in addition to electromyographic and near infrared spectroscopy of key muscles to examine dyscoordination and metabolic properties. Therapeutic interventions could include particular types of training, neuromuscular electrical stimulation and avoidance of overuse.
Recent Publications
- Miles M, Rodrigues A, Tajali S, Xiong Y, Orchanian-Cheff A, Reid WD, Rozenberg D. Muscle and Cerebral Oxygenation During Cycling in COPD and ILD Patients. Chron Respir Dis Accepted pending minor revision Co-Senior Responsible Author
- Basoudan N, Rodrigues A, Gallina A, Garland J, Guenette JA, Shadgan B, Road JD, Reid WD. Scalene and sternocleidomastoid activation during normoxic and hypoxic incremental inspiratory loading. Physiol Rep. 2020; 8:e14522:1-9 Senior Responsible Author
- Hassan SA, Campos M, Kasawara KT, Bonetti LV, Fregonezi GAF, Stanbrook MB Reid WD. Changes in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex during cognitive-motor dual tasks in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 06 May 2020 COPD: Journal of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 17(3):289-296 Online DOI: 10.1080/15412555.2020.1767561 Senior Responsible Author
- Derbakova A, Khu S, Ho K, Lewis C, Ma T, Melo LT, Zabjek KF, Goligher E, Brochard L, Fregonezi G, Reid WD. Neck and inspiratory muscle recruitment during inspiratory loading and neck flexion. Med Sciences Sports Ex Jan16 2020; 52(7):1610-1616. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002271. Senior Responsible Author
- Wickerson L, Mathur S, Brooks D, Bonetti L, Singer L, Granton J, Reid WD. Skeletal muscle oxygenation and regional blood volume during incremental limb loading in interstitial lung disease. ERJ Open Res 2020; 6: 00083-2019 []. Senior Responsible Author
- Bonetti LV, Hassan SA, Kasawara KT, Reid WD. The effect of working memory task on spatiotemporal gait parameters in healthy younger and middle-and-older subjects during dual-tasking. Exp Brain Research 2019: 237:3123–3132. Accepted Sep 20 2019 Senior Responsible Author.
- Bonetti LV, Hassan SA, Lau S-T, Melo LT, Patterson K, Reid WD. Oxyhemoglobin changes in the prefrontal cortex in response to cognitive tasks: a systematic review. International Journal of Neuroscience (INES). 2019;129:2, 194-202, . Senior Responsible Author.
- Goligher EC, Brochard,LJ, Reid WD, Fan E, Slutsky AS, Herridge MS, Kavanagh BP, Rubenfeld GD, Ferguson ND. Diaphragmatic myotrauma: a mediator of prolonged ventilation and poor patient outcomes in acute respiratory failure. Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2019; 7(1)90-98. Coauthor
- Cabral EEA, Fregonezi GAF, Basoudan N, Melo L, Mathur S, Reid WD. Surface electromyography (sEMG) of extradiaphragm respiratory muscles in healthy subjects: a systematic review. Journal of Kinesiology and Electromyography 2018; 42:123-135. Accepted July 17, 2018. Access at Senior Responsible Author.
- Tanaka T, Basoudan N, Melo LT, Wickerson L, Brochard LJ, Goligher EC, Reid WD. Deoxygenation of inspiratory muscles during cycling, hyperpnoea and loaded breathing in health and disease: a systematic review. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2018;38:554–565. DOI 10.1111/cpf.12473 Senior Responsible Author.
Honours & Awards
- 2012 | Recognition Award, Canadian Lung Association
- 1995 | Killam Fellowship [1995]
- 1990 - 1994 | BC Health Care Research Foundation Scholarship