Important Information for Newly Admitted Students

As a new student in RSI, here are some essential tasks to complete as soon as possible:
Students use their UTORid or JOINid and password to log onto Student Web Services
Every applicant to the University of Toronto is assigned a JOINid. It was provided to you through an email from SGS:
When you begin your studies at U of T, your JOINid will become your UTORid, which will allow you to access a number of services such as email, library resources, and Quercus, the University’s student portal and learning management system. Many courses use the portal to provide online materials, discussion groups, quizzes, and more.
Enabling your JOINid
You must enable your JOINid and create a password if you wish to access ACORN. This can be done online – you do not have to be here in person. Your JOINid will not work until you enable and create a password for it.
Activating your UTORid
Instructions on how to activate your UTORid are provided to you by the TCard Office TCard Office. Incoming students for Fall 2023 are eligible to get their UTORid starting May 1 and you will provide documentation to validate your legal status in Canada.
Visit: Get Your UTORid & TCard webpage for more info.
UTmail+ Account
All RSI students are required to have an UTmail+ account. UTmail+ is the new student email and calendaring service for students at the University of Toronto.
For more information on UTmail+ enrolment and features, please visit the UTmail+ webpage on the Student Web Services website.
The Rehabilitation Sciences Institute and other University offices may send important information to you by email. Please make sure that your email address, your mailing/permanent address and telephone number is up to date at all times. Under University policy, students are required to maintain a University based email account (e.g., UTOR), record that in ACORN and regularly check for messages. That account may be forwarded to another personal account but it is the University account to which the University & RSI will send official correspondence.
For new students arriving on campus this Fall, please visit: T-Card services for further instructions.