As an exception, students may be considered for enrollment on a part-time basis in RSI. Part-time status has to be carefully considered in consultation with the Supervisor and Associate Director. There is no residency requirement for part-time students.
Part-time students who are studying in an approved part-time Master’s program continue to pay a part-time fee until the degree requirements are satisfied. Part-time Master’s students in research programs must maintain continuous registration. Part-time Master’s students who have paid fees only for one academic session in the previous year are required to pay summer fees. Changes to full-time/part-time status cannot be made retroactively.
Part-time students must complete the program within six years; however, all course work must be completed within the first two years of the program. Part-time students must agree to a Learning Contract for Part-Time Students Form and must submit to RSI a Program Map (planned with his or her supervisor). Part-time students should be aware that it is the student’s responsibility to modify his or her schedule to accommodate required course work since not all course times are flexible.
Degree Completion for Part-time Students
Part-time Students (Supervisory Committee meetings take place every 6 months)
Course Work and Research Proposal should be started within 12 months
YEAR 2-5
Writing of Thesis and first authored scientific paper (after Year 2) Masters Research Thesis Defense