Degree & Course Requirements

Please refer to PhD Degree Requirements for full details. The PhD program emphasizes research work through the completion of a doctoral thesis. In addition, students are required to complete a candidacy exam, take a minimum of 1.5 FCE and take the PhD Seminar course REH 3001H.
Students are required to achieve a minimum grade performance of B in all Program required courses. All other elective courses must be completed with a minimum grade performance of B-.
Depending on the student’s background preparation the supervisor, in consultation with other members of the Supervisory Committee, may recommend additional courses. Check ACORN to make absolutely sure you have been correctly enrolled and credited for your courses.
Students are expected to be on-campus and participating full-time until all program requirements are completed. It is expected that courses will be completed in the first year, the CANDIDACY EXAM – within the second year, the research, written thesis and defense will be completed by the end of Year 4.
All students are also required to attend the RSI Research Day in order to remain in “good standing”. The goal of the research showcase is to highlight the work and diversity of our students’ research to peers and faculty, as well as the university and clinical communities. This has traditionally been a student-led event which provides opportunities to develop leadership and other graduate professional skills. All students MUST ATTEND annually:
PhD students must present a poster or oral presentation in Year 2, 3 and 4
If a student believes they have a valid reason why they cannot attend or present at the RSI Research Day, they should inform the Associate Director and seek approval. Normally, students who are exempted from attending the research day in a given year are still required to submit a poster to the event.
Attendance and participation at Research Day are required in order to remain in good standing in your program.