Associate Professor

Avril Mansfield

Physical Therapy


Toronto Rehab - University Centre - UHN
550 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 2A2
Research Interests
Movement Science, Balance, Mobility, Gait, Neurorehabilitation, Motor Learning, Motor Control, Biomechanics
Contact Faculty Member for more information

I conduct research to improve safe independent mobility for older adults and people with stroke. My research spans basic science (e.g., practice-based motor adaptation), to clinical trials aimed at increasing physical activity and preventing falls. Please view my website for more information about current research projects and trainee recruitment. I am based at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (University Health Network) in downtown Toronto and are affiliated with Sunnybrook Research Institute and the University of Toronto.

Recent Publications

  1. Mansfield A, Aqui A, Danells CJ, Knorr S, Centen A, DePaul VG, Schinkel-Ivy A, Brooks D, Inness EL, Mochizuki G. Does perturbation-based balance training prevent falls among individuals with chronic stroke? A randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2018;8:e021510
  2. Sivakumaran S, Schinkel-Ivy A, Masani K, Mansfield A. Relationship between margin of stability and deviations in spatiotemporal gait features in healthy young adults. Human Movement Science. 2018;57:366-373
  3. Rozanski GM, Aqui A, Sivakumaran S, Mansfield A. Consumer wearable devices for activity monitoring among individuals after stroke: a prospective comparison. JMIR Cardio. 2018;2(1):e1
  4. Schinkel-Ivy A, Aqui A, Danells CJ, Mansfield A. Characterization of reactions to laterally diercted perturbations in people with chronic stroke. Physical Therapy. 2018;98(1):585-594
  5. Rajachandrakumar R, Mann J, Schinkel-Ivy A, Mansfield A. Exploring the relationship between stability and variability of the centre of mass and centre of pressure. Gait and Posture. 2018;63:254-259.

Honours & Awards

  • 2015-2020 | New Investigator Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research