Assistant Professor

Roula Markoulakis

Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy

MSc, PhD

LMC Mid-Toronto
1929 Bayview Ave., Suite 205, Toronto, Ontario Canada M4G 3E8
Research Interests
Youth mental health and addictions, Navigation, Access to care, Transitions through care, Peer Support, caregiver experience , Youth Engagement
MSc, Contact Faculty Member for more information

Dr. Roula Markoulakis is a Scientist at Sunnybrook Research Institute, working with the Family Navigation Project at Sunnybrook, and an Assistant Professor (status) with the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto. Her research interests include care needs, access to care, and transitions in care for youth with mental health and/or addictions concerns and their families, with a particular focus on system navigation supports. These interests also include understanding the experiences of youth and families in the mental health and/or addictions care system. Her current projects are focused on youth engagement in mental health and addictions navigation services, navigation as a support for transitions in youth mental health and addictions care, youth and family mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the development of standards for youth mental health and addictions navigation supports.

Recent Publications

  1. Markoulakis, R., *Bowles, K., Chan, S., Weingust, S., Dobbin, K., Levitt, A. (2022). Changes in Perception of Caregiving Experience Following Caregiver Peer Support within a Mental Health and Addictions Navigation Service. Community Mental Health Journal, 54(4), 740-748.
  2. *Mullen, J., Levitt, A., Markoulakis, R. (2022). Supporting individuals with mental illness and/or addictions through Navigation services: A scoping review. Community Mental Health Journal. In Press.
  3. Markoulakis, R., Da Silva, A., Kodeeswaran, S., Levitt, A. (2022). Youth mental health and/or addiction concerns and service needs during the COVID-19 pandemic: Caregiver experiences and perspectives. BMC Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 16, 35.
  4. Markoulakis, R., Luke, A., Reid, A., Mehra, K., Levitt, A., Doucet, S. (2021). Proceedings of the inaugural Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference: A forum for sharing innovations and best practices in navigation services. BMC Proceedings, 15, 24.
  5. Markoulakis, R., Levitt, A. (2020). Considerations in Developing a Feasibility Study of a Mixed-Methods Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Navigation for Youth with Mental Health and/or Addictions Concerns and their Families. Sage Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health Part 2.
  6. Markoulakis, R., Chan, S., Levitt, A. (2020). The needs and service preferences of families with youth with mental health and/or addictions concerns. BMC Psychiatry, 20, 409.

Honours & Awards

  • 2017 | Wilfrid Laurier University Graduate Students’ Association 30 in 30 Award (Leadership and Purpose)
  • 2014-2015 | Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research (STIHR): Social Aetiology of Mental Illness ($40 000)    
  • 2014 | College Mental Health Research Symposium Scholarship ($1000)                         
  • 2013 | Canadian Association of University Teachers - JH Stewart Reid Fellowship ($5000)
  • Year Unknown Competitive national scholarship awarded by the Canadian Association of University Teachers.