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Julio Furlan

Dr. Furlan is a Scientist at Lyndhurst Centre, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, a staff neurologist and a Clinician Investigator in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the SCI Rehabilitation Program at the Lyndhurst Centre, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, and an Assistant Professor in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Toronto.
Dr. Furlan has extensive training and research expertise. He holds a MBA degree in Health Administration, an MSc degree in Clinical Epidemiology, and a PhD degree in Surgical Neuroanatomy. Dr. Furlan´s research has been focused on Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair with special interest in outcome measures (clinical and neurophysiological assessments, and neuroimaging analysis), predictors of outcome (including age and sex), and secondary complications of spinal cord injury (including autonomic dysfunction and sleep -related breathing disorders) after spinal cord injury, and Health Economics.
Research Synopsis
- Determinants of Neurological Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury or Disease. Dr. Furlan’s research work has been dedicated on ascertaining the influence of unmodifiable factors (including age at the time of onset of spinal cord injury or disease, and sex) and modifiable factors (including blood alcohol level, glycemia, military injuries, and secondary medical conditions) on neurological outcomes after spinal cord injury or disease.
- Methods for Assessment of Neurological Impairment after Spinal Cord Injury or Disease
- Impact of Spinal Cord Injury or Disease on Healthcare Services and Economics
Recent Publications
- Attabib N, Kurban D, Cheng CL, Carly S. Rivers CS, Bailey CS, Christie S, Ethans K, Flett H, Furlan JC, Tsai EC, O’Connell C, the RHSCIR Network. Factors associated with recovery in motor, walking, and bowel and bladder function after traumatic cauda equina injury. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA. 2020 Aug 25. In Press.
- Furlan JC, Liu Y, Dietrich WD 3rd, Norenberg MD, Fehlings MG. Age as a determinant of inflammatory response and survival of glia and axons after human traumatic spinal cord injury. EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY. 2020 Jul 13;332([Epub]):1-11.
- Liang J, Furlan JC. Peripheral Neuropathy in the Lower Extremities of Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury or Disease: A Retrospective Study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION. 2020 Jul 1;[Epub]. In Press.
- Furlan JC, Randan MM, Tator CH. A scoping review of registered clinical studies on concussion and mild traumatic brain injury (2000-2019). NEUROSURGERY. 2020 Feb. In Press.
- Badihwala J, Ahuja C, Akbar M, Witiw C, Nassiri F, Furlan JC, Curt A, Wilson J, Fehlings MG. Degenerative cervical myelopathy - update and future directions. NATURE REVIEWS NEUROLOGY. 2019 Dec 11: 1-49. In Press.