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Ron Buliung

Professor Ron Buliung is a faculty member in the Department of Geography, Geomatics and Environment at UTM. He holds graduate faculty appointments at the University of Toronto is the Department of Geography and Planning, and in the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute. During the past decade Ron’s work has come to focus on disability, ableism and cities. His interest in disability scholarship and the problem of ableism is motivated by personal experience. Recent published works have focused on access to education, disability and school transport, disability and climate change, food insecurity for disabled persons. His interests are broad in scope and include disability and urban transportation, disability and planning, disability and data science, and the history of disability rights, advocacy and activism. Professor Buliung teaches the graduate seminar, “Disability, Ableism and Place” in the Graduate Program in Geography and Planning, the course is open to RSI graduate students.
Recent Publications
- Buliung, R. (2023) Bodies on Display: From Parking Pads to Agent Orange. Disability and Society.
- Moola, F. J., Posa, S., & Buliung, R. (2023). Malevolent or Benevolent Brushstrokes?: Exploring the Depiction of Disability in Renaissance Paintings Using a Critical Disability Studies Lens. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 12(2), 110–151. Retrieved from
- Ross, T., Buliung, R., Titchkosky, T., Hess, P. (2023) Engaging Disability Theory in Planning Practice. Journal of Planning Education and Research.
- Alarasi, H., Buliung, R. (2023). Exploring the Tactical Mobilities and Everyday Activity of Immigrant Adolescents in a Canadian Suburban City. Children’s Geographies (CCHG).
- Schwartz, N.; Buliung, R.; Wilson, K. (2023) Experiences of food access among disabled adults in Toronto, Canada, Disability & Society, 38:4, 610-634, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2021.1949265
- Schwartz, N., Buliung, R., Daniel, A., Rothman, L. (2022). Disability and Pedestrian Road Traffic Injury: A Scoping Review. Health & Place, 77, 1-13,
- Stafford, L., & Buliung, R. (2022). Disability Justice Meets Climate Justice. PLANNING THEORY & PRACTICE, 23(1), 128-131.
- Buliung, R., & Solomon, R. C. (2022). Leaky Bodies and Broken Bathrooms: Stories about Ableism and Going to the Loo. PLANNING THEORY & PRACTICE, 23(1), 112-115.
- Norcliffe, G., Buliung, R., Krause, A., Radford, J. (2022). Disability and cycling technology: A socio-historical analysis. Disability Studies Quarterly, 42(1),
- Buliung, R., Hess, P., Flowers, L., Moola, F., Faulkner G.F. (2021). Living the Journey to School: Conceptual Asymmetry Between Parents and Planners on the Journey to School. Social Science and Medicine, 284
- Buliung, R., Bilas, P., Ross, T., Marmureanu, C., El-Geneidy, A. (2021). More than Just a Bus Trip: School Busing, Disability and Access to Education in Toronto, Canada. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 148: 496-505.
Honours & Awards
- 2021 | Mickey Milner International Professorship in Childhood Disability Studies - Holland Bloorview Rehab Hospital