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Susan Marzolini
R. Kin, PhD

Dr. Marzolini is a Registered Kinesiologist with a PhD in Medical Science and an MSc in Exercise Science from the University of Toronto and scientist at the KITE Research Institute at University Health Network. She is currently the Scientific Associate and Case manager/Coordinator of the Toronto Rehab/University Health Network’s Risk Factor Modification and Exercise Program for people following Stroke (TRI-REPS). Her aim is to make changes to the way that risk factor modification for secondary prevention of strokes are managed and addressed and dedicated to promoting programming for this underserved population. Her academic career path evolved from her clinical work in cardiovascular rehabilitation and secondary prevention where she designed and initiated the resistance training program for cardiac, heart transplant, heart failure, diabetes, and breast cancer patients. Her research examines the dose response relationship between exercise (aerobic and resistance training) and health related outcomes (cognition, cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, mobility) in people post-stroke. Dr. Marzolini has 66 publications in the area of stroke and cardiac rehabilitation and is a member of the World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders Program.
Research Synopsis
My professional objective is to advocate for increased opportunities for people to access structured physical activity and risk factor modification programs following stroke. My research interests are to examine the dose-response relationship between exercise and health related outcomes in people with stroke and cardiac disease. Using novel exercise training methods and combinations of exercise strategies my aim is to determine an exercise treatment aimed at promoting long-term health, repairing the brain and restoring lost mobility after stroke.
Recent Publications
- Marzolini S. Integrating Individuals with Stroke into Cardiac Rehabilitation Following Traditional Stroke Rehabilitation: Promoting a Continuum of Car. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2018;34:240-246
- Marzolini S, Brooks D, Oh Paul, Jagroop D, MacIntosh BJ, Anderson ND, Alter D, Corbett D. Aerobic with Resistance Training or Aerobic Training Alone Post-stroke A Secondary Analysis from a Randomized Clinical Trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2018;32:209-222
- Nathoo C. Buren S. El-Haddad R. Feldman K. Schroeder E. Brooks D. Inness E. Marzolini S. Aerobic Training in Canadian Stroke Rehabilitation Programs. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy 2018;42:248-255
- Marzolini, S. Blanchard, C., Alter, D., Grace, S., Oh, P. Delays in Referral and Enrolment are Associated with Mitigated Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation after Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery.Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 2015;8:608-620
- Marzolini S, Grace SL, Brooks D, Corbett D, Mathur S, Bertelink R, Skeffington V, Alter D, Oh P. Referral, Wait Times and Efficacy of Cardiac Rehabilitation following Heart Transplantation Transplantation. 2015;99:594-601
Honours & Awards
- 2018 | Emerging Leader in the area of Non-communicable Disease Prevention - World Heart Federation