Associate Professor

Rosemary Martino

Speech-Language Pathology

MA, MSc, PhD

Rehabilitation Sciences Building
160-500 University Avenue, Floor 10, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 1V7
Research Interests
Speech-Language Pathology
PhD, Postdoc

Dr. Rosemary Martino is a Professor in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Swallowing Disorders. She is also a Senior Scientist in the Krembil Research Institute at the University Health Network. Dr. Martino's research focuses on three main areas related to dysphagia: early identification, medical consequences and longitudinal changes in swallow physiology and swallow related outcomes. To date, her work has generated 65 peer-reviewed publications and she has given over 110 invited presentations. As principal investigator, she has obtained 24 grants totalling over $14 million (CAD). Most recently, she was awarded over $8.5 millions (USD) in funding by the Patient-Centred Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), to investigate the effectiveness of a prophylactic swallow intervention for patients receiving radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. 


Recent Publications

  1. Predictors of Direct Enteral Tube Placement After Acute Stroke.
    J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2019 Jan;28(1):191-197
    Joundi RA, Saposnik G, Martino R, Fang J, Kapral MK
  2. Feeding and swallowing impairment in children with stroke and unilateral cerebral palsy: a systematic review.
    Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018 Nov 09;:
    Sherman V, Greco E, Moharir M, Beal D, Thorpe K, Martino R
  3. A scoping review of rehabilitation interventions for survivors of head and neck cancer.
    Disabil Rehabil. 2018 Jul 06;:1-15
    Rodriguez AM, Komar A, Ringash J, Chan C, Davis AM, Jones J, Martino R, McEwen S
  4. Lingual and Jaw Kinematic Abnormalities Precede Speech and Swallowing Impairments in ALS.
    Dysphagia. 2018 Dec;33(6):840-847
    Perry BJ, Martino R, Yunusova Y, Plowman EK, Green JR
  5. Dysphagia Treatment for Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Undergoing Radiation Therapy: A Meta-analysis Review.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Jun 01;101(2):421-444
    Greco E, Simic T, Ringash J, Tomlinson G, Inamoto Y, Martino R