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Tracey Colella

Tracey JF Colella RN, PhD, Scientist, TR/UHN Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation Program, Scientist at the KITE Research Institute at University Health Network, Associate Professor, Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Adjunct Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, University of Toronto.
Dr. Colella is a member of Team Optimize and Team Cardiopulmonary Fitness at Toronto Rehab/UHN. Her program of research focuses on innovative interventions to facilitate patient and family transitions through the continuum of cardiovascular care, social support interventions, use of technology, psychosocial recovery, gender differences in access to care and health services utilization. Some of her most recent work includes the use of meta-analysis design to examine: sex differences in referral, enrollment and adherence in cardiac rehabilitation programs; peer support/patient navigation and health services utilization in chronic disease populations.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Colella is a member of Team Optimize and Team Cardiopulmonary Fitness at Toronto Rehab/UHN. Her program of research focuses on innovative interventions to facilitate patient and family transitions through the continuum of cardiovascular care, social support interventions, technology, psychosocial recovery, gender differences in access to care and health services utilization.
Recent Publications
- Response to the Letter to the Editor on "Antecedent rest may not be necessary for automated office blood pressure at lower treatment targets". J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2018 Nov 07; Myers MG, Colella TJF
- Validation of a self-administered version of the Mediterranean diet scale (MDS) for cardiac rehabilitation patients in Canada.
Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2018 Jul 02;:1-10. Ghisi GLM, Mahajan A, da Silva Chaves GS, Rouse V, Brum M, Ajwani F, Aultman C, Ricupero M, Oh P, Colella TJF - Antecedent rest may not be necessary for automated office blood pressure at lower treatment targets. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2018 Jun 14;: Colella TJF, Tahsinul A, Gatto H, Oh P, Myers MG
- The effect of a peer support intervention on early recovery outcomes in men recovering from coronary bypass surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2017 Aug 01;:1474515117725521 Colella TJ, King-Shier K
- The effectiveness of patient navigation to improve healthcare utilization outcomes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Patient Educ Couns. 2016 Oct 17;: Ali-Faisal SF, Colella TJ, Medina-Jaudes N, Benz Scott L