
RSI Research Day

Visit this page for updates on the 2024 RSI Research Day!

research day save the date graphic 2024


"Collaborative Teamwork in Research"


  • All RSI students MUST attend Research Day. If for any reason a student cannot attend or present, they should notify the Graduate Coordinator.

  • All 1st and 2nd year MSc students and 2nd 3rd and 4th year PhD students MUST submit an abstract at Research Day. (Year 1 PhD students can present if they'd like to). 


Registration & Abstract Submission Deadline: April 8, 2024
Poster/Oral Submission Deadline: May 22, 2024*
*Posters and art to be sent to:


Program at a Glance:




8:30AM – 9:00AM                                    

Registration (+ Poster Setup)                           

MacLeod Auditorium Reception Area/Medical Sciences Bldg – Stone Lobby

9:00AM – 9:15AM

Opening Remarks

MacLeod Auditorium

9:15AM – 10:00AM 

Keynote Address       

MacLeod Auditorium

10:00AM – 10:45AM

Coffee & Poster Session A

Reception Area/Stone Lobby

10:45AM – 11:30AM

Student Oral Presentations Session A

MacLeod Auditorium

11:30AM – 12:30PM

Lunch & Networking

Reception Area/Medical Sciences Bldg – Stone Lobby

12:30PM – 1:30PM

Panel Discussion: Collaborative Teamwork in Research

MacLeod Auditorium

1:30PM – 2:15PM

Coffee & Poster Session B

Reception Area/Stone Lobby

2:15PM – 3:00PM

Student Oral Presentations Session B

MacLeod Auditorium

3:00PM – 3:15PM

Coffee Break

Reception Area

3:15PM – 3:30PM

Awards Ceremony & Closing Remarks

MacLeod Auditorium

Speakers and Biographies:


Dr. Sarah Munce | Keynote Presentation

Topic: TBA

Bio: Dr. Sarah Munce, PhD is a health services research and implementation scientist at the KITE Research Institute, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network. She is also an Assistant Professor (status) in Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy with cross-appointments at the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute (RSI), and the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) at the University of Toronto. Sarah is one of the Graduate Coordinators at RSI and the co-instructor for the Mixed Methods in Health Services Research course at IHPME.

She is the former Membership Chair for the Mixed Methods International Research Association and current Editor-in-Chief for JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. Sarah uses participatory approaches including integrated knowledge translation and co-design to develop, implement, and evaluate transitional care interventions (i.e., peer support, self-management, peer navigation) for individuals with complex needs and their family members. Sarah is a former AMS Healthcare Fellow in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence and her research is currently funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Kids Brain Health Network, and Brain Canada Foundation.