RSI Faculty Winners at the Speech-Language Audiology Canada Awards
May 13, 2016
RSI Faculty Winners at the Speech-Language Audiology Canada Awards
Jessica Boafo
Congratulations to Dr. Catriona Steele who has received aSAC Lifetime Achievement Award for her pivotal role in the advancement of speech-language pathology, particularly as it relates to the assessment and management of dysphagia.
The award recognizes a history of distinguished and dedicated service to both SAC and to the professions of speech-language pathology or audiology.
With more than 100 peer reviewed publications, her research is regarded as influential –regularly published in high impact factor journals and frequently cited by other researchers.
In the words of her nominators, “She is a mentor, a colleague, a teacher, a clinician, a researcher, a scientist, and above all else, a passionately dedicated speech-language pathologist. She has given so much to our profession and to so many of us as clinicians, and we would love to give back to her by seeing her recognized by her professional association."
This award acknowledges and honours excellence in a research project that provides support for evidence-based clinical practice by promoting Canadian research in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology that emphasizes the importance of evidence-informed practice.
This key research project informed the development of an evidence-based care pathway, supporting the identification and intervention planning for children over 36 months of age with severe speech sound disorders.